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Φιλολοgoogle Books

>> Σάββατο 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2007

Google Books για Φιλολόγους

Τα παρακάτω βιβλία είναι σκαναρισμένα από την υπηρεσία Google Books. Λόγοι, όμως, αυστηρών πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων περιορίζουν την πρόσβαση σε χρήστες έξω από τις H.Π.A.. Η λύση είναι πολύ απλή και ακούει στο όνομα Proxy. Για να διαβάσετε τα αρχεία και να τα κατεβάσετε, μπορείτε απλά να κρύψετε την I.P. σας, χρησιμοποιώντας μια από τις πολλές υπηρεσίες που κυκλοφορούν στο διαδίκτυο. Προσωπικά χρησιμοποιώ τη υπηρεσία "HidemyAss", η οποία φροντίζει να σβήσει τα ίχνη σας και να σας μεταμφίεσει σε αμερικανό τουρίστα. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, θα έχετε τη δυνατότητα να διαβάζετε βιβλία μέχρι το 1923. Καλό έτσι;

΄Ομηρος - Ησίοδος

  • Opera et reliquiae, ed. Monro (pocket edition, Oxford 1896): [Google Books]

  • Die homerische Ilias...in der ursprünglichen Sprachform wiederhergestellt, ed. Fick (Göttingen 1886): [Google Books]

  • Iliad, comm. Seymour (1891): [Perseus: Books 1-3, Books 4-6]

  • Iliad, comm. Leaf (1900): [Perseus] [Google Books: Books 1-12]

  • Iliad selections, ed. Benner (1903): [Google Books]

  • Homeri Odyssea, cum interpretationis Eustathii et reliquorum grammaticorum delectu, suisque commentariis, ed. Baumgarten and Crusius (1822-1824): [Google Books: τόμ. 1, τόμ. 2, τόμ. 3]

  • Die homerische Odyssee in der ursprünglichen Sprachform wiederhergestellt, ed. Fick (Göttingen 1883): [Google Books]

  • Odyssey, comm. Merry, Riddell, Monro (1885-1901): [Google Books: Books 1-12, Books 13-24] [Perseus]

  • Odyssey, ed. van Leeuwen and da Costa (1907-1908): [Google Books: Books 1-12, Books 13-24]

  • Hesiod, Teubner edition, Koechly-Kinkel (1870): [Google Books]

  • Hesiod, ed. Paley (1883): [Google Books]

  • Hesiod, Teubner edition, Rzach (1902): [Google Books]

  • Homeric Hymns, comm. Allen and Sikes (1904): [Perseus]



  • Lexicon to Sophocles, abridged and translated from Ellendt (Oxford 1841): [Google Books]


  • Apollonius Rhodius, comm. Mooney (London 1912): [Perseus]

  • Bacchylides, ed. Jebb (1905): [Google Books]

  • Callimachus, Hymni et epigrammata, ed. Wilamowitz (1907): [Google Books]

  • Empedocles, ed. Stein (1852): [Google Books]

  • Greek Melic Poets, ed. Smyth (1900): [Google Books]

  • Moschus, Idyllia tria, ed. Cogan (1795): [Google Books]

  • Pindar, Olympian and Pythian odes, comm. Gildersleeve (1885): [Perseus]

  • Pseudo-Scymnus and Dionysius Periegetes, ed. Meineke (1846): [Google Books]

  • Theocritus, comm. Cholmeley (1901): [Perseus]

  • Timotheus, Persae, editio princeps, Wilamowitz (1903): [Google Books]

Ηρόδοτος - Θουκυδίδης

  • Herodotus, Books 1-8, ed. Krüger (1855): [Google Books] (somewhat defective scan)

  • Herodotus, ed. Stein (1856-1859): [Google Books: Books 1-2, Books 5-6]

  • Herodotus, ed. Stein (1870): [Google Books: Book 1]

  • Herodotus, ed. Stein (5th ed., 1883-1894): [Google Books: Books 1-2]

  • Herodotus, comm. How and Wells (1912): [Perseus]

  • Herodotus selections, ed. Merry (1880): [Textkit] [Google Books]

  • Herodotus, Books 4-6, comm. Macan (1895): [Google Books: τόμ. 1, τόμ. 2]

  • Herodotus, Books 7-9, comm. Macan (1908): [Google Books: τόμ. 1 part 1, τόμ. 1 part 2, τόμ. 2] [Perseus]

  • Herodotus, Books 7-8, ed. Smith (1905): [Google Books]

  • Thucydides, trans. Ennenckel (Strassburg 1614): [Google Books]

  • Thucydides, ed. Classen (1862-1875): [Google Books: Book 1, Book 5]

  • Thucydides, ed. Classen, 2nd ed. (1881): [Google Books: Book 6]

  • Thucydides, ed. Poppo-Stahl, 2nd ed. (1875-1882): [Google Books: Books 3-6, Books 3-4, Books 5-6, Books 7-8, Books 7-8]

  • Thucydides, ed. Poppo-Stahl, 3rd ed. (1886-9): [Google Books: Books 1-2]

  • Thucydides, Books 1-3, comm. Sheppard and Evans (1870): [Google Books]

  • Thucydides, Book 1, comm. Morris (1891): [Perseus]

  • Thucydides, Book 1, comm. Marchant (1905): [Google Books] [Perseus]

  • Thucydides, Book 2, comm. Marchant (1891): [Perseus]

  • Thucydides, Book 3, comm. Smith after Classen-Steup (1894): [Perseus]

  • Thucydides, Book 3, comm. Marchant (1909): [Perseus]

  • Thucydides, Books 2-3, comm. Lamberton (New York 1905): [Google Books]

  • Thucydides, Book 4, comm. Graves (1884): [Perseus]

  • Thucydides, Book 5, comm. Fowler (1888): [Perseus]

  • Thucydides, Book 5, comm. Graves (1891): [Perseus]

  • Thucydides, Book 6, comm. Marchant (1909): [Perseus]

  • Thucydides, Book 6, comm. Smith (1913): [Perseus]

  • Thucydides, Book 7, comm. Smith (1886): [Perseus]

  • Thucydides, Book 7, comm. Marchant (1893): [Google Books] [Perseus]

  • Thucydides, Book 8, comm. Tucker (1892): [Perseus]


Friedrich Ast, Lexicon Platonicum



  • Sturz and Thieme, Lexicon Xenophonteum (1801): [Google Books: epsilon-kappa, lambda-pi] (scan seems particularly defective)

  • Thiemann, Wφrterbuch zu Xenophons Hellenika (1893): [Google Books]

  • Gloth and Kellogg, Index in Xenophontis Memorabilia (1900): [Google Books]

  • Crosby, A Lexicon to Xenophon's Anabasis: Adapted to All the Common Editions, for the Use Both of Beginners and of More Advanced Students (1873): [Google Books]

  • White and Morgan, Illustrated Dictionary to Xenophon's Anabasis (Boston 1896): [Textkit]

  • τόμlbrecht, Wφrterbuch zu Xenophons Anabasis (1905): [Google Books]

Ρητορικά κείμενα

  • Selections from the Attic Orators, ed. Jebb (1880): [Google Books, c. 2]

  • Selections from the Attic Orators, comm. Jebb (1888): [Perseus]

  • Antiphon, Gorgias, Antisthenes, Alcidamas, Teubner edition, Blass (1908): [Google Books]

  • Andocides, Teubner edition, Blass (1880): [Google Books]

  • Andocides, De mysteriis and De reditu, ed. Marchant (1906): [Google Books]

  • Lysias, Teubner edition, Thalheim (1901): [Google Books]

  • Lysias 1 (Paris 1549): [Google Books]

  • Lysias selections (5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 28, 30, 32), ed. Shuckburgh (1882): [Google Books]

  • Lysias selections (7, 12, 13, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33), ed. Kocks (1885-1887): [Google Books]

  • Lysias selections (7, 12, 16, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32), ed Morgan (1895): [Google Books]

  • Lysias selections (7, 12, 16, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 31, 32), ed. Wait (1898): [Google Books]

  • Lysias selections (12, 16, 19, 22, 24, 25, 32, 34), ed. Adams (1905): [Google Books]

  • Isocrates, Teubner edition, Benseler-Blass (1889-1907): [Google Books: τόμ. 1, τόμ. 2]

  • Isocrates, ed. Drerup (1906), τόμ. 1 (no more published): [Google Books]

  • Isocrates, Evagoras, To Nicocles, Nicocles, comm. Forster (1912): [Perseus]

  • Isocrates, Panegyricus and Areopagiticus, ed. Rauchenstein (1874): [Google Books]

  • Isaeus, ed. Wyse (1904): [Google Books]

  • Hyperides, Epitaphius, ed. Babington (1859): [Google Books]

  • Aeschines, In Ctes., ed. Richardson (1889): [Google Books]

  • Aeschines, In Ctes., ed. Gwatkin and Shuckburgh (1890): [Google Books]

  • Demosthenes, Select Private Orations, part 1 (34, 35, 37, 39, 40, 56), ed. Paley and Sandys (1898): [Google Books] [Perseus]

  • Demosthenes, Select Private Orations, part 2 (36, 45, 46, 53, 54, 55), ed. Sandys and Paley (1896): [Google Books] [Perseus]

  • Demosthenes, Against Leptines, ed. King (1881): [Google Books]

  • Demosthenes, Against Leptines, ed. Sandys (1890): [Google Books]

  • Demosthenes, Against Androtion and Against Timocrates, ed. Wayte (1893): [Google Books]

  • Demosthenes, Against Midias, ed. Goodwin (1906): [Google Books]

  • Demosthenes, Olynthiacs, ed. Tyler (1880): [Google Books]

  • Demosthenes, Olynthiacs, comm. Sharpley (1900): [Perseus]

  • Demosthenes, Philippics 1-3, comm. Davies (1907): [Perseus]

  • Demosthenes, On the Peace, Second Philippic, On the Chersonesus, Third Philippic, ed. Abbott and Matheson (1890): [Google Books]

  • Demosthenes, On the Peace, Second Philippic, On the Chersonesus, Third Philippic, ed. Sandys (1900): [Google Books]

  • Demosthenes 5-9, On the Peace, Second Philippic, (Hegesippus) On the Halonnesus, On the Chersonesus, Third Philippic, ed. Rehdantz-Blass (1905): [Google Books, indices (1886)]

  • Demosthenes, De falsa legatione, ed. Shilleto (1886): [Google Books]

  • Demosthenes, On the Crown, ed. Goodwin (1901): [Google Books] [Perseus]


Αριστοτέλης - Θεόφραστος

expand section Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca

  • III. De sensu, comm. Alexander Aphrodisiensis, ed. Wendland (1901): [Google Books]

  • VI. Metaphysics, comm. Syrianus, ed. Kroll (1902), and Metaphysics i-vii, comm. Asclepius, ed. Hayduck (1888): [Google Books]

  • VII. De caelo, comm. Simplicius, ed. Heiberg (1894): [Google Books]

  • VIII. Categories, comm. Simplicius, ed. Kalbfleisch (1907): [Google Books]

  • IX-X. Physics, comm. Simplicius, ed. Diels (1882-1895): [Google Books: Books 1-4, Books 5-8]

  • XI. De anima, comm. Simplicius, ed. Hayduck (1882): [Google Books]

  • XII. Olympiodorus, Prolegomena and comm. on Categories, ed. Busse (1902), comm. on Meteorology, ed. Stüve (1900): [Google Books]

  • XV. De anima, comm. Philoponus, ed. Hayduck (1897): [Google Books]

  • XVI-XVII. Physics, comm. Philoponus, ed. Vitelli (1887-1888): [Google Books: Books 1-3, Books 4-8]

  • XVIII. Porphyry's Isagoge and Aristotle's Categories, comm. Elias; David, Prolegomena and comm. on Porphyry's Isagoge, ed. Busse (1900-1904); De interpretatione, comm. Stephanus Alexandrinus, ed. Hayduck (1885): [Google Books, c. 2]

  • XXI. Posterior Analytics ii, comm. Eustratius, ed. Hayduck (1907), and Rhetoric, comm. anonym. et Stephanus Alexandrinus, ed. Rabe (1896): [Google Books]

  • XXII. Parva naturalia, comm. Michael Ephesius, ed. Wendland (1903); Parts, Movement, Ingression of Animals, comm. Michael Ephesius, ed. Hayduck (1904); EN v, comm. Michael Ephesius, ed. Hayduck (1901): [Google Books]

  • XXIII. De anima paraphr. Sophonias and Categories paraphr. anonym., ed. Hayduck (1883); Prior Analytics i, paraphr. Themistius, ed. Wallies (1884); Sophistical Refutations, paraphr. anonym., ed. Hayduck (1884): [Google Books]

expand section Supplementum Aristotelicum

  • I. HA excerpta, ed. Lambros (1885), and Priscianus Lydus, ed. Bywater (1886): [Google Books]

  • II. Alexander Aphrodisiensis, Scripta minora, ed. Bruns (1887-1892): [Google Books]

  • III. Anonymus Londiniensis, ed. Diels (1893), and Aristotle, Ath. Pol., ed. Kenyon (1903): [Google Books]



  • Wyttenbach, Index Graecitatis (Index vocum verborumque exquisitiorum in Plutarcho) (1829): [Google Books: alpha-iota, kappa-omega]

Ελληνική πεζογραφία

Ελληνική Γλώσσα

  • Goodell, Chapters on Greek Metric (1901): [Google Books]

  • Jelf (based on Kühner), Grammar of the Greek Language (1866): [Google Books: τόμ. 1, τόμ. 2]

Λατινική Γραμματεία


Δημοσίευση σχολίου

Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου


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